Sebastian Indian Social Projects

Sebastian Indian Social Projects (S.I.S.P.) is a non-profit organization working in the coastal region of Thiruvananthapuram, the capitial of India's south-western state of Kerala. S.I.S.P. was founded by two Belgians, Paul Van Gelder and Werner Fynaerts in 1996. 

S.I.S.P. strives to accelerate social and economic change in the rural context by collaborating with local community members to build a better society where all people have easy access to education, health care, and employment opportunities. S.I.S.P. has an explicit commitment to remain disassociated from any religious activity and to work both for and all side the poorest among all communities. The staff members and beneficiaries of S.I.S.P. belong to all the different communities in the area. 

Visit their website to find out more.